Talk about a fortune!

I can’t recall why were were talking about ATM’s — it had something to do with my sister saying we had to make a stop so she could deposit her paycheck in person. To a human teller. She doesn’t trust electronic deposit and and told her workplace that she wanted a paper check. And she certainly would not put a paper check in an ATM. Way old school. I mentioned that when I got my first Citi ATM card ages ago, I would withdraw $25/week to cover all cash expenses and incidentals (not rent/electric/subway/gas/insurance but definitely food, eating out, shoe repair, stamps, groceries, wine, etc.). My audience marveled and said you certainly couldn’t do that anymore. Defiant, I stared them down and said, “Well, I bet I could.”

That’s how the $25 challenge for the month of January began: like the battle cry on Project Runway, I was going to “make it work.”

No extra money this month for manicures so I have to do my own nails. I needed an emery board and realized that I had to spend some cash. Sally Beauty is the only way to go so I slipped in to see what I could find. Great! The ones I wanted were on sale so I splurged and got two.

But that was $2.12 of my budget gone — on only day 2 of the week.

Later on I made myself some tea and there were a couple leftover fortune cookies from a Chinese meal the other night. I broke one open to have with my tea — I could not believe my luck!

Fortune cookie


Cosmetics and perfume

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