Recent posts

First day of autumn

It’s also my birthday. Which has often fallen on the first day of autumn, the September equinox. It’s a splendid day, sunny and summery, not at all fall-like.

I went to aqua boot camp this morning, had breakfast with my brothers Stephen and Charlie, bought a beautiful navy and...

Other's Day

So many ads for candy, perfume and special Mom’s Day brunches. The supermarkets hike up their prices for festive bouquets. Facebook is replete with people posting photos of themselves as babies and kiddies with their mothers. Or images of their mothers, some of whom have left us. People “like” all the posts. My dear mother is not here for me to see, speak with, give a present to. She and my father said that Mother’s Day and Father’s Day were...

Making friends

hey … I think I left my phone in your car; can you call me to make sure I didn’t misplace it?

your phone is safe and sound, playing with my phone. They are so cute together

oh thank u so much, I am such a dork
what’s your morning schedule so I can come by?
or u can leave it in your mailbox if you’re leaving very early

going to the Y at 7:30, home at 9:45


The Talk of their Lives -- "Sold out"

As an old show biz baby, I know that two of the most exciting and terrifying words are “sold out.” Today I experienced both emotions as I watched some of the most compelling students, educators, technologists, startups, artists and entertainers perform the talk of their lives at TEDx Navesink.


Soda bread and stingers

St. Patrick’s Day is filled with nostalgia and I always have a little tristesse.

I do have a dark Celtic side and so this time of year comes with a bit of brooding: whereas most people love the idea of spring, exult in the warmer weather and strip to sleeveless tops and flip...


Over the years, people have given me hearts — dishes, jewelry, little boxes — I love and treasure them.


Happy Valentine’s day to you all. Here’s one of my favorite songs ever, written by one and sung by another of my musical heartbeats:


He didn't write back

This afternoon I got an email from David Byrne — well, I’m on his mailing list. He sends interesting and compelling essays and today’s was called “The Echo Chamber,” about the schisms in both big parties and he posed the question, “What is to be done?” (i.e., about the anger and constant negative/scary/mean-spirited drumbeats of the campaigners, the media, the warmongers, et al.).

 I thought it was a very strong, persuasive study and...


People are going insane about Snomaggedon. Or Snowpocalyse. Or Snowzilla. I think (hope?) that it’s all a lot of hype…

I got into the train station from NY last night and decided I’d better stop at the supermarket, just for some milk and greens, nothing really more than that. Some cookies.

Then I went to Speedway to get gas and since it’s right next to Whole Foods I thought I’d run in to pick up some...

“I bless you madly, sadly as I tie my shoes..."

The news of David Bowie’s death this past week was so unsettling and surreal. As a friend said, if Bowie can die, what hope is there for the rest of us? I was truly desolate: For some reason, even though he was a very enigmatic man, he seemed more accessible than other English musicians I’ve loved like Eric Clapton or Richard Thompson (not to mention Keith R and loads of others).


Talk about a fortune!

I can’t recall why were were talking about ATM’s — it had something to do with my sister saying we had to make a stop so she could deposit her paycheck in person. To a human teller. She doesn’t trust electronic deposit and and told her workplace that she wanted a paper check. And she certainly would not put a paper check in an ATM. Way old school. I mentioned that when I got my first Citi...
